Freedom35 wrote:
Hey Freddy,
You should rly think of a subscription fee... I don't know how many users use your software but I know they need it and if you will do small monthly fee for using your programs most of them will be ok with it...
look at the guy who made omdbapi that you also use in TM, he asked for donations and made a patreon page... he barely had 100 patreaons but when he made it to work only on api key he has now 2618 users backing him up... why because ppl need his API and it's in humans mentality not to pay if they can have it for free (ofc most of them

btw: donation sent
Take care,
i told him the exact same thing lol.
it should be a 1 year subscription. i know i would gladly pay each year for it. especially as he has great support and always updates.
maybe make a post and say "anyone who has had it over 2 or 3 or 4 years, will have to renewal it in december, 2017. sorry to do this but we need the money to keep it all alive"
you would have more supporters then people leaving